
POWERBULLET – vijoličen


Preidimo takoj k bistvu! PowerBullet je najbolj vroč in nov žepni vibrator, ki je pripravljen zatresti tvoj svet! Da o njegovi super ceni sploh ne govorimo 🙂

PowerBullet je klasično obliko krogle razburljivo preoblikoval in dodal koničast konec, tako da lahko vibracije potujejo neposredno tja, kamor želiš in to z izjemno natančnostjo.

PowerBullet je znan po zelo naprednih motorjih, ki proizvajajo globoke in ropotajoče vibracije, in tale mini vibratorček ni izjema. S preprostim pritiskom na gumb te bo popeljal skozi blage vse tja do divjih vibracij in te vmes razvajal z 10 neverjetnimi funkcijami, med katerimi lahko izbiraš, če ti sede raznolikost.

Ta kompaktna igrača je kot nalašč za dogodivščine na poti in je nujen dodatek v tvoji torbici – poleg šminke, se razume! In ni ti treba skrbeti za naključne vibracije – Bullet Point je opremljen s funkcijo potovalnega zaklepanja, ki zagotavlja diskretno potovanje.

Igro z njim z lahkoto preneseš tudi pod vodo, saj je 100% vodotesen!

Zato se usedi, sprosti in dovoli, da vibracije govorijo zase – in zate.

Ključne funkcije:

  • Bullet Vibrator
  • Koničasta konica za ciljno usmerjen užitek
  • 10 funkcij
  • PowerBullet Motor
  • Material, varen za telo
  • Kompaktna velikost
  • Potovalna ključavnica
  • Enostaven za uporabo
  • Vodoodporen
  • USB za polnjenje

Na zalogi

SKU: E31788 Kategorije: , ,


Let’s get right to the point! PowerBullet’s Bullet Point is the hottest, new, 4″ bullet vibrator that is ready to rock your world! It’s also one of the most competitively priced bullets out there!

PowerBullet has put an exciting twist to the classic bullet shape and added a pointed end, so that the vibrations can travel directly where you want them to go with pinpoint accuracy.

PowerBullet is known for their highly advanced motors that produce deep and rumbly vibrations, and this product is no exception. With a simple press of a button, Bullet Point will take you through mild to wild vibrations and everything in between with 10 incredible functions to choose from.

This compact toy is perfect for on-the-go adventures and can fit right in your purse – just treat it like it’s one of your lipsticks! And you don’t have to worry about the vibrations randomly going off – the Bullet Point is equipped with a travel lock feature that ensures discreet travel.

For play off of dry land, bring the Bullet Point into the bath tub or shower – it’s waterproof!

Virtually seamless, the smooth finish band deep shine to the bullet are nice to feel and look at, but also have body-safe advantages that allow you to use it on all your most delicate areas.

Whether its for massage, couples or solos play, the Bullet Point has something in store for everyone. So, sit back, relax, and allow the vibrations to do all of the talking.

Key Features:
– Bullet Vibrator
– Pointed Tip for Targeted Pleasure
– 10 Functions
– PowerBullet Motor
– Body-Safe Material
– Compact Size
– Travel Lock
– Easy to Use
– Waterproof
– USB Rechargeable

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